Bolivian Caranavi

Today I’m roasting Bolivia FTO SHG EP Carnavi. The green beans come from Sweet Maria’s. FTO stands for Fair Trade, SHG is shade grown I think. Not sure what EP means. I decided not to roast a full 1/2 pound, but am roasting at the 1/2 lb. setting with only 7 oz. of beans. I’ve run into some issues with the Behmor 1600 in getting a dark enough roast (see my post on underoasting Indonesian). Because I’m roasting only 7 oz., I set the time for 13:00 minutes on Profile 1 instead of the max 13:30. I’m supposed to roast this to City+.
Hopefully I don’t end up burning the beans or anything.
Heard 1st crack 10 minutes into roast.
Here’s how it turned out: