How can I save time migrating content from one system to WordPress?

If you’re migrating content from one content management system to WordPress, you might feel overwhelmed. If you get too overwhelmed, you may do the worst thing possible: give up. Don’t! Instead, try some of these tools to shave time off migrating content:

  1. Use the out-of-the-box WordPress Importer tool. You can use it to import content from sites already using WordPress, or other systems like Blogger, Tumblr or RSS feeds.
  2. If you need to import from another system, read the WordPress Codex. It addresses how to import from DrupalJoomla, and more.
  3. If none of those solutions work and for some reason you must copy and paste, consider these questions before attempting to copy and paste 10,000 pages of content:
    1. Is this primary content that’s accessible from the home page navigation? If not…
    2. Is this secondary content, such as a page accessible from other pages linking from the home page navigation? If not…
    3. Do you have analytics data confirming this content is now visited or searched for? If not, consider just archiving the content instead of migrating it.

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