Coffee house review: Cafe Mellelo

Okay, here we go. I’ve figured out how to basically shoot video clips with my Sony Cybershot, sort of figured out how to edit soundtracks in GarageBand, so I think I can finally make my first….Coffee House Review!

The first one would be Mellelo Coffee Roasters (which I erroneously call Cafe Mellelo in my podcast). Anyway, there’s four locations – one near our house and another one in Downtown Medford, and two others in town. I like the downtown location for it’s ambience and urban feel, but the one by our house is nice too.

Mellelo offers a nice selection of drinks. They make a mighty tasty mocha, and their coconut italian soda is good. Avoid the Honey Rasberry Mocha – it tastes weird despite the interesting name.

I’ve been stopping at Mellelo for awhile since starting work in Medford, especially thanks to their free WiFi, which the Evil Empire insists on charging for. That’s alright, Howard, I’d rather support the little guy anyway.

Anyway, I finally shot the video for the podcast on Saturday. The next day, my wife & daughter and I attended Bear Creek Church, a reformed church on the other end of town. We’re praying about where to hunker down and get back into service again, so Lord willing, He’ll provide a clear answer in time for Easter.