Yea! I have a new website now: Crimson Bleach!
Why Crimson Bleach? Well, it was originally supposed to be my idea of a name for a company, but no one liked it, so I decided to use it for myself. I’m planning to move all my personal stuff over to this site and convert into a business site.
This year is already a month over, and I’m overwhelmed with the sense of determinism. It’s my humble opinion that the recent events of my moving out on my own, my termination from Starbucks, my involvement in West Sacramento, and my enrollment in grad school is leading up to something. Hopefully it’s not that a toothpick will strike me from random and puncture my jugular vein, thus vacating the many pints of blood from my body.
I’ve decide to take a new approach to dating. I’ve heard of a book called
I Kissed Dating Goodbye, but mine would be titled I Told Dating to Kiss My @$$. I’m never dating again, ever. Women are a pain and a drain. Okay, they’re not that bad, but I’ve wasted nine years searching for some hottie to take out, only to have her practice heart transplant surgery on me. I’ve heard the lie, “You’ll know when it’s the right one.” Bullhonkey! I’ve “known” at least five or six times and been dead wrong!
No hard feelings, but I believe the mentality of searching for Mrs. Right is pointless, now that I’ve become a believer in Total sovereignty – meaning God has ordained whether we wind up with someone and who we wind up with, if anyone. If it’s been determined or destined or predestined, then why to change the outcome through dating? Why waste time and money “finding” the one if it’s already determined who you’d wind up with anyway? Just now a window popped up for one of those online dating services.
We are deceived! We have been convinced that this dating junk actually works, when it doesn’t!
I enjoy the single life now that I’ve taken this approach. My last girlfriend will be my last. I have no idea what “courtship” is, but it must be better than the [INSERT EXPLETIVE HERE] that I’ve suffered through. Honestly, after my last hottie, I was sure that God can not possibly want people to undergo this tidal wave of emotional chaos.
Screw it! I’ll get married when I get married. Until then, there’s other things to do.
Okay, that’s my rant for the day.