Down With the System

In the world today, the gullible sheep of America have been soundly convinced over the years that they live in a utopian-style nation of “liberty” and “democracy”. It makes perfect sense why most Americans would believe this, being perpetually bombarded by media advertisements and national slogans promoting the ideals of freedom, equality, and the most magic word of them all – democracy. When the average tax-payer thinks of democracy, more than likely they think of the right-to-vote, freedom of choice, stars-and-stripes, and all of the other bonuses. Democracy sounds great. Unfortunately, the ideal image of democracy hardly exists in what we call the United States of America of the 20th century.

The “democracy” of today consists of an ongoing battle between two major armies of people, fighting for causes which seem to date back to the prehistoric era. These people aren’t the common-day working folk, but professional politicians who have taken on the task of governing the community. Their causes, whether for personal or monetary gain, are what these masters of the political system live and die for.

This nation is not truly governed by the people, for the people; but by the rule of the dueling political parties for the interests of the parties alone. It is a government of Republicans and Democrats, asses and elephants, not the people. Although the two parties may consist of warring factions and arguing individuals, it is these two parties – together – which hold total and absolute power. They hypocritically attack and ridicule each other, but they work together questing and thirsting for one thing – power. Power, power, and more power. Their desire for power never ceases. Be it by the increasing of taxes, social programs, regulations, or the military, the strategy of all politicians is that power and control must always increase.

Being equally crafty, both the elephants and the asses accuse each other of corruption, dishonesty, and bloating the scope of government. To some, these tactics are taken for what they’re worth – nothing. To others, the propaganda of each party blaming the other brings misdirected arousal, loyalty, and compassion from the politically entranced cattle of America.

Given that these two parties are currently in power, who then is truly to blame for all the problems of politics in America? The problems of corruption? The problems of greed? The problems of a incomprehensible national debt (which in 2002 will be far from redeemed)? The problems of a government, so vastly expanded and entrenched into the aspect of daily life that the concept of government reduction is viewed as impossible? The problems of a system which has engraved into the heads of voters the mindset that government and government alone can cure the ills of humanity? Who is truly responsible for these? The Democrats? Yes. The Republicans? Yes. The professional political system? Yes. The people who elect them? Absolutely, yes.

“Nonsense,” one might say, “we live in a democracy!” However sweet the sound of the magic word, democracy is futile when the people, although claiming the unalienable right to vote, fail to use the tool of the vote effectively, allowing a tyranny of power to reign. A tyranny does currently reign, existing by the domination of the two-party system, because the people of this nation have failed to use the vote effectively.

How can a vote become effective? Ask your local politician. Then ask the person who ran against it. When the rate of political incumbency is between 90% to 95%, do politicians need worry about losing power due to exposed corruption, scandal, or just poor workmanship? No, even though this nation has the capability of democracy, it ridicules that idea by perpetually electing power-hungry incumbents.

The only light ahead currently is that caused by anger and frustration. When the public at large is satisfied or dissatisfied with policy, it is shown through their vote. A foolish voter, charmed by the speech, platform, and campaign advertisements, will likely choose the elephant or the ass. An effective voter will always vote against the sitting incumbent, regardless of accomplishment or record, since electing the incumbent patronizes the very idea of democracy. An effective voter says “Down with the system!”, rejects the status quo, and uses the tool of the vote to successfully eject by all means capable the professional politicians from office.

It is therefore the duty of every American, in order to bring about a true democracy, free of the political system of tyrannical domination, to oppose the current power with the tool of the vote and to oppose it forever.