I got into an argument with a lady who called my work wanting to place a St. Jude ad. I suggested she get a slightly larger ad since the type was too small. Rather than following a reasonable suggestion in case, say, someone would prefer to read the ad, she threw a fit over the phone.
Why do Christians have to be a-holes sometimes? I wonder if Jesus had to deal with rude costumers. I bet he did. The book of Hebrews descibes him as becoming like us, His brothers and sisters, experiencing everything we did and do. I bet He got flak for some of His carpentry.
“Hey Jesus, this bench is short a cubit!”
“Thanks Jesus, but I know I think I would have liked louvered cabinetry.”
“I suppose it will work, Rabbi, but I really wanted a polyurethane finish.”
Okay, he probably didn’t hear the last one. But people complained. They picked fights, just because they were grumpy or grouchy. I wonder how He dealt with them. I want to know Christ and how He lives peace, even though the world is full of bitchy people, like myself and my customer today.