So maybe you’re upset about the presidential election results. Or maybe you’re not. Maybe regardless of who wound up winning, you were going to be disappointed. Or maybe you were going to be thrilled if your choice won because your choice was the savior and the opponent was the devil himself (or herself).
You want to give your opinion. After all, it’s one of your First Amendment rights! Maybe you want to write about how the president-elect will be the worst since Hitler, or that he saved us from having the worse president since Hitler.
Politics, religion and operating systems
Think before you post something dealing with politics. Politics is like religion and computer operating systems: subjects you’ve got to be careful about (not saying to avoid them, just avoid being careless). Here’s why:
- You may annoy your audience, who are following you because they care about you and your services or products, not who wins the White House.
- You may aggravate already tense feelings and not make the situation any better for those you’re serving.
- You may alienate people you want to serve, by spouting out devising language intended people angry enough to vote, but hardly builds community.
Instead, serve up love instead of serving up the hate. Ask “Am I serving with this post, or am I just annoying, aggravating and alienating people?”
Me, myself and my stupid mouth
I’ve posted my share of hot-headed, righteous-indignation filled posts or emails ranting about this or that. Guess how many people I persuaded? Zero.
What I have seen is that the Bible is right in that a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Learn from a political prisoner
Before you post something you regret, I ask you consider the words of a man who was imprisoned for politics. I’m not talking Nelson Mandela, but Paul of Tarsus, who was imprisoned because he was following a king that didn’t have the majority vote (or even the electoral college majority). While awaiting arraignment before the Emperor of the Roman Empire, he posted this in a letter to other friends who were following this minority king:
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”
– Philippians 2:5-7 ESV
Now perhaps you don’t believe in the Christian Gospel, or the Bible, or a god of any sort. I hope you don’t tune me out, because regardless, the point Paul seems to be making is that since Jesus, the King, served even his enemies by laying down his life to save them from slavery, we should serve each other. Paul could have tweeted hashtags like #notmyemperor or #makeJerusalemgreatagain. He could have moaned about higher taxes, or lack of vomitorium funding, but he didn’t because he was focused on serving his king, and serving others.
Speaking of serving, how would you like to be served with tips to help you serve more people with less time, money and effort? Regardless of who you voted for or party affiliation, you can win by voting to opt-in to Tweeton’s Tuesday Tips: