Vocatology, or the theology of work
Vocatology is my newly invented word. It means, the study or science of vocation. I’m surprised it or a word like it doesn’t seem to exist yet. Maybe there’s a good reason it doesn’t exist. Vocatalogy seems like a difficult word to pronounce. I may have even spelled it wrong. In any case, maybe “Theology of Work” is…
Seeing the Model Railroad
Okay, now that we’ve covered models exhaustively, it’s time to actually see something, to move to the View part of our Model-View-Controller-ish application.
Was Carl right?
“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be.” – Carl Sagan Was Carl right? Many would say yes, some might say maybe. I’d have to say no, and I’d like to explain my reasoning not from a religious perspective, but as best as I can from a programming perspective. When I…
Model railroads: Part 3
There’s a few other methods I’d like to show you that you can use with models, particularly ones that can track changes in your model’s properties. As before, I’ve got examples of these snippets that you can play with at JS Bin.
Model Railroads: Part 2
Chugging right along, let’s continue working on our Model Railroad with Backbone.js. Last time, we looked into creating a model. Today, we’ll cover a few of the standard methods you can use within your Model class.
Plain Jane objects vs. Backbone models
Picking up from where we left off yesterday, let’s take a look at what you would see in regular JavaScript object compared to a Backbone.js model.