• AngularJS Quizzing: Let the Controller control logic

    So far we’ve created a simple quizzing engine using AngularJS somewhat separated the model, view and controller apart. Today, let’s take care of the little bit of controlling still being done inside the HTML.

  • Modules and Controllers

    Yesterday I shared the basics of how to create a quiz question using AngularJS. Now even though it works, the code is not very reusable. You would have to copy and paste the same code a bunch of times for each question. So let’s work on making this quiz question reusable.

  • Basic Quizzing using AngularJS

    If you’ve ever needed to create a simple online quiz in HTML, you can do so easily with a little help from AngularJS, which is a popular JavaScript framework that provides some powerful tools. I’m going to start by showing you how to make a simple fill-in-the blank question.