What I learned from WordCamp Sacramento

Here’s a summary of what I learned at the 2019 WordCamp Sacramento, and why you should go to the next one.

This year I attended my first WordCamp in Sacramento, nabbing a free ticket by volunteering. It was a great experience and I cannot stress enough that if you’re involved in WordPress or web design, you really should go to this.

Heck, if you even only just have a website, whether for personal or business reasons, you should go because you’ll walk away with new ideas, new contacts, and a bag full of new swag from vendors.

My stash of swag and goodies from WordCamp Sacramento.
My stash of swag and goodies from WordCamp Sacramento.

3 reasons why you should go to the next WordCamp Sacramento

Learn new things

I was volunteering most of the day, but thankfully I was able to attend the sessions by Chris Lema, Dwayne McDaniel, Natalie Bourne and William Earnhardt.

Natalie Bourne’s session was standing room only, as she gave great tips on blogging.

I especially liked Natalie’s talk on making your blog professional, as it inspired me to continue blogging and building a platform, no matter what. Others must have liked it too since it was standing room only, with barely enough room to breathe.

Meet new people

WordCamp Sacramento is a great place to meet people who can solve your web design problems. But it’s also a great place to meet business partners and vendors who might have the solution you’re looking for.

Chris Lema gave an opening talk about eCommerce. Even Jar Jar Binks must be selling online.

I was able to meet someone from Big Commerce who helped me understand the difference between their Ecommerce platform vs. WooCommerce or Shopify. I also talked over a email and hosting issue with a vendor who was able to help me, and it didn’t cost me a dime.

Try new food

Yes, I’m highly motivated by snacks and food trucks, and both were at WordCamp Sacramento. I must have tried every imaginable Bevita breakfast cookie and for lunch I chose the Hawaiian food truck (likely because it had the shortest line).

So you missed WordCamp Sacramento

It’s not too late to learn about WordPress or web design. Every first Tuesday of month, the Sacramento WordPress Meetup has meetings 6:30 p.m. at the Urban Hive. It’s a great place to learn new things and meet new people. I invite you to try it out.

Visit the Sacramento WordPress Meetup page for more info.

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