Category: Updates
Compass Direct: Muslim Extremists Attack Worship Service in Uganda
Almost two dozen extremists try breaking into a church, injuring a person and damaging the church building. Read more at Compass Direct.
Roasting Costa Rican
I’m roasting a pound of Costa Rica SHB El Tigre on my Behmor and blogging about it, all from my iPod Touch. Pretty amazing. I bought the green coffee beams from Grains, Beans & Things in Medford. Good thing I remembered to roast tonight otherwise I’d be without coffee for rtomorrow morning. Roasted coffee usually…
I totally forgot this was here…
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I have bombed big time. It’s been almost two years since I wrote on this blog. I got distracted with many millions of things, trying too hard to make a complicated website with charts and graphs and this and that related to missions in coffee producing nations. I got overwhelmed and as…
Roasting decaf espresso (and almost burning the beans)
Today I roasted a 1/2 pound of decaf espresso blend from Grains, Beans & Things. Per suggestion of Behmor’s manual, I roasted at Profile 4, which is a stepped ramp to full power. Roast time was the maximum 16:30. Heard the 1st crack at 12:30 into roast. 2nd crack happened just as the roast cycle…
Tasting Bolivian
I poured myself a French Press of Bolivia FTO SHG EP Carnavi, roasted yesterday to Full City (intended to roast to City+ but I’m a rookie roaster). The roast smell is dominant, followed by citrus and bittersweet chocolate, maybe even more like cocoa powder. Tasting the cup reveals a strong roasted, cocoa powder presence. I can…
Bolivian Caranavi
Today I’m roasting Bolivia FTO SHG EP Carnavi. The green beans come from Sweet Maria’s. FTO stands for Fair Trade, SHG is shade grown I think. Not sure what EP means. I decided not to roast a full 1/2 pound, but am roasting at the 1/2 lb. setting with only 7 oz. of beans. I’ve run…