• Down With the System

    In the world today, the gullible sheep of America have been soundly convinced over the years that they live in a utopian-style nation of “liberty” and “democracy”. It makes perfect sense why most Americans would believe this, being perpetually bombarded by media advertisements and national slogans promoting the ideals of freedom, equality, and the most…

  • Fear of going to class

        Nothing is more frightening than the thought of going to class. If you can’t understand why, allow me to explain.     I usually get up every morning and do my daily morning routine – shower, clothes, breakfast. Then I hop down the staircase that descends from my University Park apartment. Hopping down the stairs,…

  • The Artist

    Nothing is more beautiful Than the work of the Master Artist He gouges the soft earth to form the rivers He cups His hands to mold the mountains and scoop the valleys With His fingers, He depresses craters He sprinkles trees and grass on the ground like sugar and the stars like dust He paints the landscape with wispy clouds and…

  • Down With the System

    In the world today, the gullible sheep of America have been soundly convinced over the years that they live in a utopian-style nation of “liberty” and “democracy”. It makes perfect sense why most Americans would believe this, being perpetually bombarded by media advertisements and national slogans promoting the ideals of freedom, equality, and the most…

  • Unmarked Police Car

    It was 10:46 PM, Tuesday night. The still streets were illuminated by the silver moonlight and the rows of lamps slowly burning sodium gases. A sense of calmness surrounded the suburban city of Folsom that night, making the area almost unusually quiet compared to usual weeknights. On the hills flowered with affordable tract house, the…

  • Private Possessions

    Naked with only a book. The brass door knob clicks as the solid plane of oak seals the man inside the claustrophobic room. He unfastens his belt, dropping his pants and underwear. The pale cheeks of the entrepreneur’s bottom affix to the chilled toilet seat. His body squirms for a few seconds until he achieves…