Tag: Gutenberg

  • Creating a landing page with the WordPress block editor

    The WordPress block editor is actually easy to use, once you learn where everything is and try starting with something simple.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

  • Edit Padding in the WordPress Block Editor

    Edit Padding in the WordPress Block Editor

    Need to change the padding for a block in WordPress? It’s easy using the Dimensions panel.

  • Theme.json basics

    Theme.json basics

    Here’s how to get started configuring theme.json to work for your WordPress block based theme.

  • Diving into Full Site Editing

    Diving into Full Site Editing

    Now that Full Site Editing (FSE) is planned for the next release of WordPress, I figured now is a good a time as any to learn how it works in order to make a useable theme.

  • No looking back (at unnecessary plugins)

    Yesterday I spent about two hours converting a client’s site from a popular page builder plugin to using only the WordPress block editor. Aside from a few minor design changes, it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference.

  • Gutenberg A-Z: The Archive block

    Gutenberg A-Z: The Archive block

    The Archive Block is a pretty simple block in the WordPress Block Editor that allows you to display a monthly archive of all your posts.