Take control of your content

If you own or manage a brand, you manage your brand’s content. If you manage your brand’s content, you should know how to manage your brand’s content on your website.

You need a Content Management System (CMS)

A content management system is a must have because it gives you the power to easily create and edit your website’s content without having to touch any code.

I’m a web developer, and I need to understand code. But you shouldn’t need to. Instead, focus on your brand’s message on your website. That’s why even as a web developer, I’m saying it’s important that you have a CMS that gives you complete control over content without having to mess with code.

Know the basics

If you’ve got a CMS, you need to know the basic functions of how to use it. Otherwise, it’s like having a bunch of tools in garage that you paid a bunch of money for but don’t know how to use.

Here’s the basics you should know:

  • How to create and edit content, includes the formatting of text and uploading photos.
  • At least know what sections are in your CMS admin area.
    • For example, you should know that the Plugins section in WordPress have things that enhance the website.
  • How to get to critical dashboard areas that show analytics (such as how many people are visiting your site).

If you know more than this, bravo!

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Each content management system comes with strengths and weaknesses and it’s a good idea to know what it can and can’t do out of the box.

For example, for WordPress:

  • Pros: Extremely easy to update and enhance
  • Cons: Designed primarily for blogging, so certain types of content need enhancements through plugins.

Know where to find help or guidance

You’re going to need guidance along the way, whether you’re a business owner who can barely run a toaster or a web developer with years of experience. There’s enough information available to learn how to install, update and enhance a content management system on your own, but if you don’t have the time, hiring a web developer for these things is probably a more cost-effective solutions.

Here’s what a web developer will be handy for:


Your CMS is likely going to need regular updates of code, similar to how apps on your phone need regular updates. Your web developer can make these regular updates, which often includes backing up files.


Over time, your audience may want more features or you might want to integrate better tools to help your audience.

For example, if you wanted to add an event calendar to your website, your web developer can able to either find cost-effective plugins that give you the functionality you need.

Installation and Troubleshooting

Using WordPress is easy, but installing it can make even me nervous sometimes. Your web developer can able to help with installation of a new CMS if necessary and troubleshoot existing issues.

Next Steps

So, here are three questions for you to answer as a brand manager:

  • Do I have a Content Management System (CMS) that allows me to easily edit content without contacting my web developer?
  • Do I know how to create and edit content using my CMS?
  • Do I have a resource such as a web developer who can help me if I ever need help with my CMS?

If you’ve answered no for any of them, then you’re missing out on the control over your brand’s content that you could have.


As I said, there are lots of resources and lots of content management systems out there, but I recommend WordPress. I’ve included a few links that might help if you’re interested in WordPress as a content management system.

I hope this information helps you take control of your content. If you’ve got other topics you’d like help with, please let me know in the Leave a Reply section below.

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