Three tips for triple digit rides

It’s been hot lately, and I’ve been trying to commute via bike to work on most days. Morning trips are easy, but afternoons when you can feel your skin sizzling have been dreadful.

But I’ve discovered some tips I’ve discovered for handling 100+ degree days a little better than usual.*

1. Drink up beforehand

I’ve noticed I can manage hot days better if I drink a lot of water before hand, instead of just waiting until I’m riding. This keeps me from feeling so thirsty that I’m emptying my water bottle before I’m done.

2. Pick your nose

I don’t mean literally picking your nose, but I pick my nose for breathing and try to keep my mouth closed as much as possible. This keeps my mouth from drying out faster, which also slows down reaching for the water bottle every minute. Breathing though my nose also forces my body to slow down and not over exert myself.

3. Drink regularly

On the American River Parkway, we’ve got half-mile markers on most of the trail. On hot days, I take a small sip on every marker. No more, but certainly no less.

So that’s what I do to try to handle hot days.

*I’m not a medical or bicycle expert, so please don’t ride in hot weather unless you’re up for it and aware of the risks.

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