34 WordPress editor blocks you should know

Since the release of WordPress 5.0, we’ve seen the roll out of the Block editor (previously called the Gutenberg editor). As of WordPress 5.3, there’s 34 WordPress editor blocks at your disposal for putting content on a page or post.

There’s also an additional 32 blocks for embedding content from other sites, but I plan to cover those in another article.

Here’s a list of all the different blocks available, organized by how you’ll see them categorized in the editor, and sorted by level of complexity.

  1. Common blocks
  2. Formatting blocks
  3. Layout blocks
  4. Widget blocks

Common WordPress editor blocks

The Common blocks are the WordPress editor blocks you’ll use most of the time.

  1. Paragraph: The paragraph block is your basic paragraph text. For example, the block immediately above this list is a paragraph block.
  2. Heading: The heading block allows you to add a heading.
  3. Image: The image block lets you add an image.
  4. List: With the List block, you can add a bulleted or numbered list. This particular block is a List block.
  5. Quote: The quote block gives you the power to add a stylized quote with a citation.
  6. File: The File block allows you to link to file for download.
  7. Audio: The Audio block plays audio.
  8. Video: The Video block plays a video.
  9. Gallery: The Gallery block allows you to create a simple gallery with multiple images.
  10. Cover: The cover block allows you to add an image or video with text on top.
Here’s an older video from 2019 covering the Common blocks available at the time.

Formatting WordPress editor blocks

Under Formatting, you’ll find WordPress editor blocks that give you a little more control over formatting and style.

  1. Code: This block displays computer code like HTML, CSS or JavaScript formatted to look nice. 
  2. Preformatted: The Preformatted and the Code block are very similar, almost identical in style and function.
  3. Verse: The Verse block is similar to the Code and Preformatted block. In my opinion, I’m not sure why there’s 3 blocks that practically do the same exact thing. 
  4. Pullquote: Not to be confused with the Quote block, this block gives you a few more styling options for quotes.
  5. Table: The Table block gives you the power to put HTML tables like spreadsheets into your content.  
  6. Custom HTML: Want to insert raw HTML into your page or post? You can with this block. 
  7. Classic: Wish you had the Classic editor again? Use this block and it’s back, baby!
Another older video showing how Formatting blocks work.

Layout WordPress editor blocks

These WordPress editor blocks control layout and allow you to do things like place columns, separators and even group blocks together.

  1. Button: The button block puts nice call-to-action buttons anywhere you want.
  2. Columns: The Columns block lets you divide content into columns.
  3. Group: One of the newest released blocks, the Group block combines other blocks and allows you to set a background color and spacing.
  4. Media & Text: The Media & Text block puts media on one side, text on the other.
  5. Separator: The Separator block adds a visual separator between two other blocks.
  6. Spacer: The Spacer block adds adjustable space between two blocks.
  7. More: The More block lets you control what appears on your archives page.
  8. Page Break: The Page Break block lets you divide one page or post into multiple parts.
Another older video showing how Layout blocks work. At the time of the production, the Group block had not been released yet.

Widget WordPress editor blocks

The Widgets blocks give you the ability to add dynamic content inside your page or post without any additional plugins or shortcodes.

  1. Shortcode: The Shortcode block lets you add shortcodes.
  2. Archives: The Archives block displays your archives organized by month,
  3. Calendar: The Calendar block displays a calendar grid showing your posts.
  4. Categories: The Categories block shows a list of your categories.
  5. Latest Comments: The Latest Comments displays just that.
  6. Latest Posts: The Latest Posts displays … links to the latest posts.
  7. RSS: The RSS block lets you display entries from an RSS or Atom feed.
  8. Search: The Search block gives you a Search field right smack dab in your post or page.
  9. Tag Cloud: The Tag Cloud is an item of nostalgia, taking us back to 2005 when tag clouds were common on blogs.
Who’s that old-looking guy with the beard?

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