X Class Solar Flare Sends ‘Shockwaves’ on The Sun

Creating a Todo class

In this series on refactoring an AngularJS todo app, so far we’ve created a class for our controller and started extracting the logic within the controller’s methods to separate functions.

Currently we’ve got this in our Controller class:

class Controller {
  constructor() {
    this.todos = [
      { text: "learn AngularJS", done: true },
      { text: "build an AngularJS app", done: false },

  addTodo() {
      { text: this.todoText, done: false }
    this.todoText = "";

Enforcing structure

When defining this.todos, there’s nothing currently enforcing any sort of structure. What’s to keep me from adding a todo with {dog: ‘bark’, bananas: true}? We might then end up with a todo with perfectly valid data, but the structure wouldn’t match what the template is expecting.

We can fix this by creating a Todo class like this:

class Todo {
  constructor(text, done = false) {
    this.text = text;
    this.done = done;

Since new todos would likely not be marked as “done”, we’re setting the default done property to false. That way new todos are easier to generate and read.

// Old way:
const todo1 = { text: "learn WordPress", done: false };

// New way, which now defaults to not done:
const todo2 = new Todo(“learn React”);

// New way, when wanting to override the default
const todo3 = new Todo(“learn AngularJS”, true);

Making code easier to read

Remember that addTodo method that was a little difficult to read? Now it makes more sense:

class Controller {
  constructor() {
    this.todos = [
      new Todo("learn AngularJS", true),
      new Todo("build an AngularJS app"),

  addTodo() {
    this.todos.push(new Todo(this.todoText));
    this.todoText = "";

Next time we’ll take a look at the functions we’re using for getting the remaining todos and archiving todos, and see if there are ways to refactor them even further.