• Podcasts for Job Seekers

    Find wind for your sails as you navigate your career with this selection of inspiring podcasts.

  • If all else fails, restart

    Yesterday, I tried installing the WordPress REST API plugin on a test site on my Mac running MAMP. I followed the directions up to a certain point on two courses on Lynda.com, but then came to a screeching halt after seeing 404 errors in the console.

  • More reflections on Matthew 9

    Instruct me in Your word that I may follow You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Are You not the One to come? Is there another? There is no other but You. You alone give me sight to see. You lift me to walk in Your light. You have cleansed me and restored me…

  • Reflection on Matthew 9

    My sins paralyze me. Forgive my sins, that I may walk with You again under your absolute rule. Call me that I may follow You. May my life bring many sinners like me to You to recline at table with You, to eat of the Passover Lamb, slain for us, to enjoy fellowship and a…

  • I am $error

    If you ever played Zelda II, you might remember getting stumped when you came across the guy that said “I am Error”. Likewise, the validation errors in AngularJS can make you scratch your head.

  • An ngPattern of things to come

    Let’s look at how we can use the ngPattern directive to check answers in our quiz question.