• Pushing goals into the new year

    const x = new Array; x.push(‘the envelope’);

  • Flexible or fixed goals

    const northernStar = true;

  • An array of goals

    let 2021 = ‘Better than 2020.’;

  • Rona One-Nine

    To the tune of Bryan Adam’s “Summer of ’69” Got first word of some sicknessAt the dawn of the sweet springtimeTold things were gonna get really hairy‘Cause of something called COVID one-nine

  • Conspiracy Theory

    The devil and his minions gathered together, some on his right hand and others on his left. And the devil said, “Over two thousand years have passed since our Creator and Enemy descended to the earth, was killed, buried and rose again, defeating our plans and putting us to utter shame.” The fallen angels joined…

  • The Sunday we returned to church

    This week we returned to church.