Tag: WordPress
Your roadmap to a flourishing website
Is your website floundering when it comes to promoting your brand? This roadmap will guide you in designing a flourishing website in as little as five days.
Three ways of previewing new WordPress themes
Find out three simple ways you can preview a new WordPress theme before using it on your site.
How to install WordPress at home to try new features
Learn how to install WordPress at home so you can try new features without breaking your live site.
Getting details on your WordPress theme
If you own, manage or even just posts to a WordPress site, there’s useful information you can quickly find by looking at Theme Details.
Take control of your content
If you own or manage a brand, then you need to know how to manage your brand’s content on your website.
If all else fails, restart
Yesterday, I tried installing the WordPress REST API plugin on a test site on my Mac running MAMP. I followed the directions up to a certain point on two courses on Lynda.com, but then came to a screeching halt after seeing 404 errors in the console.