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About seven years ago, I got inspired to turn my somewhat erratically paced blog into a professional platform, helping people build better websites using WordPress. I was going pretty strong in the early years, then puttering out around three years ago.

A number of things happened in 2020, and I couldn’t find the inner drive to continue. I told myself that maybe the drive would come back.

But it never did. Every time I tried to restart my platform, I fizzled out.

Sunsetting old projects

People close to us go the way of the earth and die. The same for dreams and projects. I don’t dream about having a platform anymore, maybe just a blog that someone might find useful. I don’t dream about running my own business, maybe just helping an occasional business or organization here and there.

What do I care about now? Aside from my family, getting nine boxes worth of family history stuff that my late grandma collected into some sort of digital form so that her descendants can learn who they are and where they came from.

I recently took a genealogy chart that she typed out (on ancient devices called typewriters) and entered the data into MacFamilyTree and generated a 1,300+ page report on everyone she entered. The report is probably overkill, but I got passionate about tweaking it and adding more information as I go through these archives.

My next project

My next project is to go through nine boxes of archived material and digitally archive them somehow. I figure since I’m passionate about that, then that is what I should write about moving forward. It’s time to bury the old passion and move on.

So if you subscribed via email wanting to only read about WordPress or web development, I invite you to unsubscribe, because I’m not going to write on those anymore. However, if you’re interested in how I’ll likely use WordPress for this family history project, or want to just follow my progress, then keep subscribed.

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